Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Brushing your teeth: Should you brush your teeth before or after eating?

Zähneputzen: Zähne vor oder nach dem Essen putzen?

Brushing your teeth twice a day promotes dental health and oral hygiene!

After eating - don't forget to brush your teeth; everyone knows this sentence from early childhood. It is the sentence that reminds us of the daily ritual of brushing teeth But brushing your teeth twice a day is not just a ritual to remove food particles from your teeth and mouth. Rather, it is the case that Regular cleaning of the teeth protects them from harmful bacteria caused by sugar and acids should.

Harmful bacteria are formed from sugar and acids found in food, drinks and sweets. daily dental care is therefore enormous important for your dental health. However, the question always arises, When is the right time to brush your teeth? Whether the right time for daily dental hygiene plays a role and at what time you morning and evening your brushing teeth We will explain to you in today's blog post what you should do.

Brush your teeth before or after eating?

The right time to brush your teeth depends on your eating habits!

The right one time for daily dental care plays an important role. Healthy teeth also play a large part in physical well-being. Daily Brushing your teeth at the wrong time can lead to health problems in the long term. For this reason, it is important that you teeth at the right time But the question of the right time of day to brush your teeth is not so easy to answer, and above all, it cannot be answered in general terms.

Certain foods attack teeth more than others. Sweet foods, drinks and acidic foods in particular attack the natural protective layer of your teeth . If you brush your teeth immediately after eating - with good intentions - you not only remove food particles, acids and sugar, but also comes out through scrubbing and using a conventional toothbrush also the upper protective layer your teeth. In order to brush more sustainably, it is important that you adapt your dental hygiene to your food consumption habits. This is different for each person.

If you have consumed drinks and foods that contain a lot of sugar or acid, you should Do not brush your teeth immediately . Acidic foods and drinks in particular cause valuable minerals dissolved from the tooth enamel They attack the hard tooth substance. If you regularly brush your teeth immediately after eating, it is possible that you will rub away the "weakened" tooth enamel through abrasive scrubbing. You risk damaging the tooth enamel and promote tooth erosion, which can lead to sensitive teeth. Lost tooth enamel cannot be restored.

Wait at least half an hour after eating before brushing your teeth. During this time, your salivary glands can produce enough saliva to clean the to neutralize harmful acids in your mouth . If you have eaten particularly acidic foods such as lemons, oranges or tangerines, you should Rinse your mouth with a glass of water immediately after eating . This will reduce the acidic effect on the enamel of your teeth.

Brush your teeth in the morning before breakfast

Brush your teeth in the morning before eating and in the evening after eating!

As far as brushing your teeth with a conventional toothbrush after eating is concerned, this does not apply in the morning. Breakfast in the morning is an exception, which differs from brushing your teeth with a conventional toothbrush at least half an hour after eating in the evening.

Usually it is the case that Breakfast rather sweet and strongly acidic foods and drinks If you brush your teeth after breakfast, your tooth enamel will suffer in the long run. If, on the other hand, you brush your teeth before breakfast, you can, for example, clean them with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothpaste enriched with calcium , which is specially formulated for our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrushes formulated to mineralize in advance. If you supply your teeth with minerals half an hour before eating, you make them more resistant to the attack of acids.

When using a conventional toothbrush, it is recommended to brush your teeth after breakfast only with emmi®-dent dental floss or emmi®-dent interdental brushes Drink a glass of water to neutralize the pH in your mouth and effectively protect your teeth from erosion.

Leading dentists recommend the Thorough tooth cleaning and oral hygiene after eating, especially in the evening . If left uncleaned, acids and bacteria have an easy time overnight and can damage teeth and tooth enamel.

emmi®-dent dental hygiene guide for evening dental care:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly before going to bed
  • Clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner or a special tongue brush
  • Dental floss and interdental brushes for cleaning between teeth
  • Routine and adhere to cleaning times

If you follow the recommendations, you will create the best conditions for dental health into old age. Our tip: Not only acids and harmful bacteria, but also strong scrubbing and pressure - i.e. abrasive brushing behavior - can permanently damage your tooth enamel. Therefore, use our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush that is gentle on your teeth and gums. Together with the emmi®-dent Platinum brush attachment is a very good alternative to conventional toothbrushes, against sore gums and sensitive teeth. With emmi®-dent you clean without pressure and without abrasion.

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