Have you ever been ashamed of your teeth? Or does your dental status regularly trigger social anxiety in you? Both factors indicate that there is a very close connection between your dental health and your mental health. In today's blog post, we explain how closely your dental status is connected to your mental health and how the two are connected.
Oral health affects quality of life
Good oral health can improve your quality of life, but it can also worsen existing mental health problems. Poor oral health affects the quality of life and makes existing mental health problems much worse. It is often poor oral hygiene that damages your self-esteem, while good oral hygiene improves your self-confidence and strengthens social, emotional and mental well-being.
There is a proven connection between oral health and mental health. The health of your teeth - be it the color or the state of health - says a lot about your general health. Stress levels, anxiety, moods and chronic eating problems can also increasingly be explained by poor dental status.
A recent study that followed subjects over several years has shown that people suffering from severe mental illness are twice as likely to lose their teeth as others. In most cases, untreated health problems or health difficulties are due to a lack of access to dental care.
Balancing dental status and mental health
What to do? The best thing you can do for your teeth is to brush them twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel, which in turn protects against tooth decay. If you feel uncomfortable brushing your teeth, talk to your dentist about the best method to get the results you want. If you're worried about your mouth, you're not alone. The most common oral health problems are tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease.
How can you improve your dental health and your mental health? Since your mental health and dental health are closely linked, you can take various measures to bring the two into harmony. It is best to start little by little and incorporate a small change into your daily routine. Redesign the start of your day and integrate your dental hygiene into a fixed ritual.
Just by keeping this change in mind, your daily routine will have a lasting effect. This change ensures that you take control and responsibility for your physical and dental health from now on. Our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush helps you to not only practice your dental hygiene regularly, but also easily and thoroughly.